Brown Goldsmiths Signature Collection
The Möbius Twist
The Möbius Twist Rings– Simple, elegant, timeless, and symbolic.
Twists of fates often may seem like happenstance. An unexpected detour. One seemingly minor schedule change. The synchronicity of a “chance” encounter may change everything – or at least our way of looking at things. Two people setting out to create a life together hints at a certain magic in the oneness of two.
The Mobius imagery and simplicity resemble a 3-D infinity symbol. Its form aptly reflects the captivating concept – the mysterious “Oneness of Two.” It seemed a compelling form to explore as we crafted wedding and engagement rings, with their undulating surface of yellow, white or rose gold. The simplicity and elegance of Möbius’ form begs for experimentation with different sizes – multiple twists, various gemstones, or colors of gold and so The Möbius Collection was born.
Möbius Twist Variations

With a rich history of over fifty years, Brown Goldsmiths stands as a leading jewelry designer in Maine. Our legacy is beautifully showcased through The Signature Collection, a true reflection of our artisans’ exceptional craftsmanship. Each piece is a masterpiece exclusive to our downtown Freeport jewelry store.