Our Freeport Photo Shoot Experiment

In late August, we put on our lab coats and conducted an inspiring experiment. Well, not so much lab coats as thinking caps. It’s no secret that Freeport is a gorgeous little town with everything from historic barns to beautiful coastal parks. It’s also no secret that we love our community and our customers. Why not combine the two and capture the results for all to see? Here’s how we did it:
We asked our good friends (and talented photographers), Cam and Christine, from Maine the Way to help us execute a photo shoot. (For a little history, this talented duo visited the store a bit over year ago and composed an awesome Blog post about us.) They could not have been more agreeable or willing to help us with our vision.
We invited a group of friends and customers to join us at two Freeport locations with their kids, spouses and most importantly, flexible natures and biggest smiles.
We asked Mother Nature to cooperate and give us a sunny, breezy day in the mid-70’s. What are the chances?
We identified a variety of jewelry for each participant to wear and we set out to our locations, the Mallet Barn (part of Wolfe Neck Center) and Winslow Park. We were all a little nervous, but our spirits were high and our minds were certain this would be a success.
And…it was!
Sandra was the first to arrive and probably one of the most good natured and willing individuals in the state of Maine. Quick wardrobe changes behind car doors didn’t ruffle her feathers and she looked stunning in these Malachite and Azurite earrings.
You might know Claire from such other places as…our Freeport store! Claire is a multi talented maven. Aside from being a spectacular Sales Associate, she illustrates and designs jewelry (hint, hint….that new collection we were talking about for this fall).
Mo and Norm…what’s not to love? This duo had us smiling for hours. Sweet Mo couldn’t keep his hands off of Dad’s bracelets. We took note. He may have a little “unity gift” coming his way for his parents wedding celebration!
Little Jack just turned one and Bridget has embraced motherhood like no one we have ever seen. She exuded warmth and love. Jack didn’t make a peep (other than laugh) the entire time we took his photos with Mom. The reward? A bottle and a nap.
Chrissy came prepared with incredible wardrobe choices. She put together different “looks” including a relaxed weekend style with fantastic red rain boots that we coveted! Now we know who to call for our next shoot. p.s. she also has a link to the store. She’s Scott’s wife!
Page and Ashley were glowing with fresh marital bliss. They joined us in Freeport from Scarborough after a long day at work, but you certainly couldn’t tell from the photos. Ashley should add that Crown Knot bracelet to her wish list.
Sheehan got stood up by her 6 year old daughter minutes before the photo shoot. So, this Freeport mom of two did what all moms do. She thought on her feet and brought her furry boy, Baxter, to Winslow Park. He just might have been the most well behaved of the day.
Keep your eyes open for many more photos on our social media, website and in print. We hope you enjoy the finished products as much as we did making them happen!